The First Alien Abduction?

An 1851 newspaper story describes an ascent in a balloon propelled by mysterious “new motive power,” flying “globes of golden light”, a capture within a luminous “molten silver” cloud, communication with radiant, intelligent beings, and a narrator missing time and waking some hours later. Was it the first alien abduction?…
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Around the World in 28 Hours

A brief look at how a newspaper story from 1890 might just be the inspiration for the 1986 children’s science fiction story Flight of the Navigator.
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The Land of the Central Sun

The next part in this series examining the science fiction origins of UFO and alien abduction accounts considers another story that supports a counterargument to the claim made by some of the most well-known names in ufology: that specific details of many UFO reports and alien abduction accounts are not…
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The Individualists

Part of a series of posts demonstrating the science fiction origins of many of the specific concepts and details found in UFO and alien abduction reports.
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Coincidence Train

A short post about how finding patterns is seductive. It can begin with a crumb of memory or just a feeling. Occasionally, a surprising train of more interesting coincidences can follow, leading to the illusion of meaningfulness.
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Carl Higdon’s Trip Up Above

In Part 3 of this series exploring the science fiction origins of UFO and alien abduction narratives, we delve into Carl Higdon’s 1974 purported alien abduction account. Strikingly, every detail of Higdon’s story bears a remarkable resemblance to Maurice Renard’s ‘Le Peril Bleu’, initially published in 1911 and adapted by…
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The Science Fiction Origins of UFO & Alien Abduction Accounts – Part 2

Part 2 of a series of posts exploring the science fiction antecedents to UFO and alien abduction reports. Here we look at Jose Moselli’s 1925 story ‘La Fin D’illa’. It includes a range of prophetic details that predict flying saucers, tic-tac UFOs and the “five observables”, the round rooms alien…
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The Science Fiction Origins of UFO & Alien Abduction Accounts

The start of a new series of posts looking at the origins of UFO and alien abduction reports in science fiction literature. We begin with remarks by the three most prominent alien abduction researchers: Budd Hopkins, John Mack, and David Jacobs, and how they discounted the cultural influence of SF….
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Russian Rocket Over Africa

An investigation of the lights seen in the sky over Southern Africa on 14 Sept 1994, that explains what the lights really were, and why decades later the event and its sensationalist media coverage are being used to mislead audiences to sell them the story of the supposed Ariel school…
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The Abduction of Margaret Keane

The Abduction of Margaret Keane: This is a multi-part essay about art, occult influences, and alien abduction by Gideon Reid. It begins by highlighting a gap in the narrative retellings of Margaret Keane’s life story. The essay proposes two alternative inspirations for her lifelong artistic motif of painting children and…
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Part 2 – Margaret’s Critical and Commercial Success

Outside of this main point of contention in their relationship we learn surprisingly little about Margaret and, in this film that celebrates her as an artist, we see hardly any of her art. In one scene we see her hurriedly put away a self-portrait she’d been working on when Walter,…

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Part 3 – Margaret’s Inspiration Went Unexplored

Given that Margaret was equally as famous as Walter, yet favoured by art critics, what is missing from Burton’s film is a proper exploration of Margaret’s muse. We come to understand her motivations to paint. In practical terms it was a means by which she supported her family, and she…

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Part 4 – A Psyche Scarred by War-Wracked Waifs – An Invention

The waif’s kitsch repetitiveness created a space absent of intellectual discussion. Walter filled that void with this grand tale of pathos, spinning various versions of this story to journalists about why he painted big eyes: I first started doing this after world war two when I was kind of tramping…

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Part 5 – A Hypothesis: Oahspe and the Shalam Colony

Let’s reexamine Margaret’s art during hers and Walter’s busiest period, 1957-1964 because we now know there’s no truth to the ‘war-wracked waifs’ tale. Yet, it remains true that her art contained something that resonated with the American public, who bought her images by the millions. Over this period, the Keanes’…

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Part 6 – Why it is Likely Margaret Discovered Oahspe

As the adobe brick buildings began to return to the dust they were made from, stories about Oahspe and the colony persisted. After the sale of its land in 1907 Oahspe retained support from a small but enthusiastic audience who kept its text alive. Writer Wing Anderson revived the Faithist’s Kosmon…

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Part 8 – Alien Abduction

Stories about personal contact with alien visitors began to emerge in popular media shortly after 1947 and the first notable UFO sighting from Kenneth Arnold. A forestry worker pilot, he was investigating a downed transport plane when he saw nine objects moving “like a saucer skipping over water” near Mount…

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Part 9 – Oh, those eyes! They’re in my brain!

This was the cry from Barney Hill while reliving his supposed abduction experience under hypnosis. The aliens’ large black eyes are their instrument of power over humans. Various abductees tell us how aliens compel them to stare deeply into their eyes causing irresistible hypnotic control, sometimes they feel calmed, sometimes…

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Part 11 – Angels are Aliens

Just as it seems likely Margaret Keane found inspiration to paint the waifs through it, Oahspe can also be seen as a catalyst for the development of the alien abduction myth. This is due to its unique blend of spiritualism and science fiction, which intertwines angels and aliens in its…

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Part 12 – KEANE “Aliens”

That the figures in Keane’s artwork look like aliens is not a novel connection. It’s often the one of the first remarks made about Keane’s portraits by a contemporary audience. Just look at any of Margaret’s paintings posted on social media and it’s likely that the first comment about them…

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Part 13 – Very Ethereal, Very Esthetic-Looking

The connection to the alien hybrid narrative isn’t restricted to the infant waifs. After her marriage to Walter Keane ended and the waifs became less a part of their business, Margaret painted fictional young women, and they were unusual looking. As we’ll see these paintings could be portraits of hybrid…

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Part 14 – Was Margaret an Abductee?

A believer in the objective reality of alien abduction might read all this and like to apply the principle of  Occam’s Razor. They might surmise that the simplest explanation for why Margaret’s work resembles the visual descriptions given by hundreds of abductees is not the objectionable notion that they were…

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Part 15 – Keane’s Playful Allusions to Other Artists

Was Margaret aware of stories about alien abduction or of children seen inside UFOs, or had she herself had a similar vision?  The answer may lay in a consideration of the playfulness evident in Margaret’s paintings and how she acknowledges other motifs in art history. We see this in the…

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Part 16 – Patterns

In reviewing the literature on alien abduction I was struck by how many times patterns are mentioned as a way of approaching the subject. If you can’t find anything else, look for patterns “Even from the very earliest days people recognised there were a lot of similarities in these stories,…

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