The Spiritual Rappings Outdone

From: The Cleveland Daily Plaindealer, p.3, Vol.7, No. 182, Ohio, Saturday 1 November, 1851

The following very curious account of a most remarkable AErial Voyage, we have received from a gentleman whom we know by reputation. He has devoted much time to the instigation of the startling phenomena, to which he says he entrusted himself in his “Air Ship.” 

Our readers must take the narrative as we get it. But we will say, that it is ably and consistently written, and whether Truth or Fiction, may be given a place among the curious and wonderful things, which story will record for the Nineteenth Century. If a hoax, it is superior in originality and plausibility to LUCKE’S celebrated Moon hoax, and equally as exciting to the glowing imagination. 

We preface it with the letter from the author accompanying it, and shall look anxiously for the account of the second voyage. 

Oct. 16. 1851

J. W. GRAY, Esq – Your independence and liberality towards new discoveries, has induced me to send you the enclosed remarkable narrative. Should you with any references as to my identity and veracity before publishing is, you may write to – – . Send me a copy of the paper containing it, should you publish it; and if you should reject it, I shall expect you to return the manuscript and to keep my secret, whether you ever see the narrative in print or not, Although personally a stranger, I can trust you, because I believe you to be a gentleman. 

Yours, &, —.


In the middle of the year 1849, I first heard what have been termed Spirit Rappings. My attention had previously been called to the curious subject by the newspapers, and taking considerable interest in it. I resolved to investigate it for myself. 

For this purpose, I visited Rochester, N. Y., where the original mediums, the Fox family, were then to be seen. My investigation was candidly and patiently pursued. Numerous questions about my family, my history, my private affairs, were satisfactorily answered. I knew the mediums could not possibly have any knowledge of the circumstances to which inquiries referred, nor did they, except in a few cases, know what the inquiries were. 

I was not at that time a believer in Spirits, and I was, of course, not inclined to ascribe the mysterious knowledge manifested in the presence of the Fox family, to anything spiritual, as this term is generally understood. However, I was willing to be taught. There seemed to be an effort on the part of the spirits to convince me. I was invited by the Raps to a private sitting. I accepted the invitation. Tables were moved: raps were made under and on top of a table, and other physical demonstrations were given me, when I was told that in a few months I should be a medium. I laughed at the declaration, and expressed decided doubts as to the power of “spirits” to manifest through me; nevertheless, I was willing they should try. 

In the month of April, 1850, peculiar sounds were made in my room at night, I endeavoured in every possible way to ascertain whence they proceeded, but without satisfaction. At first I did not think of the promise the “spirits” had made me at Rochester. When it did occur to me, I begged the “spirits” to rap louder, and to rap near me. These requests were promptly complied with, I requested that my table be moved, and it was moved from me several feet, and then pushed against me. I need not detail the manifestations. I was evidently a medium. I desired to know what Spirits were with me, and to my astonishment on calling the Alphabet, the names of James and Stephen Mangolfier were called out. 

Now, my attention had for some time been called to the subject of the navigation of the air, and when the names of men who had lost their lives experimenting with balloons, were spelled to me as the “spirits” that had manifested, I began to think that there might be something in that doctrine of the believers in the spirituality of the rappings, that we have around us guardian angels or devils, sympathising with, and influencing our thoughts and emotions. It immediately struck me that I might get valuable information from the “spirits,” in regard to aeronauting or air navigating. I prepared a series of inquiries and presented them. I do not choose yet to let the word know what all these inquiries were, or what answers I received. My investigation was lengthy, and, to me, intensely interesting, but might not, in its details, interest the public. 

Before I go further, I wish it understood that in a few words I sum up the conclusions, often of a week’s investigation. I did not get along as smartly as might appear from my narrative without explanation. 

I reasoned, that if through’ a medium ‘spirits’ could manifest physical power that would raise tables, ring bells, open and shut doors, play on pianos and guitars, why might they not, if the medium were held up in the air by means of a balloon, propel him from one point to another on the earth-perhaps from one planet to another-or, at least, anywhere within the common atmosphere we breathe? I submitted this proposition to the “spirits,” and the following answer was given me:

“Get away, physically, from the magnetic tractions and corruptions of the earth, and we can suspend you in mid heavens, or can move you at our will,” 

Ques. – How shall I get away? 

Ans. – Construct a balloon according to our directions, and it will take you where the attractions and corruptions of which we speak will not hinder us. 

Their instructions I do not now make public. I constructed a balloon as directed. My acquaintances knew my desire to experiment on air navigation, and my employment excited no particular attention; only some who saw me experimenting with magnets, thought I was going to try some rare electric experiments when I got up into the clouds. ln three months, by my own labor and what I could safely employ, I was ready to try the “spirits.” I knew my balloon was a safe one, and I had no fear whether the spirits deserted me or not.

It was late in the Fall of 1850 when my balloon was ready for sailing The weather was inclement, and I began to doubt the practicabil of an experiment very soon. Suddenly, the manifestations, which, when alone, I heard continually, ceased. I endeavoured to evoke them, but all to no purpose. For four months I did not hear a single sound, I began to fear that I had been a most mysterious dupe. In about five months the sounds again began to occur faintly. I had told no one that I was to be a medium, or that I was a medium, because my relations in life were then such as would have made an announcement of this character annoying to me, and, as a matter of course, I had no counsellor when the manifestations again occurred.

They were at first very faint, but in a few days became quite positive. I began to feel electric shocks. I enquired what this meant, and was told- 

You are being prepared for your mission?” 

Ques- By whom? 

Ans- Stephen Montgolier. 

These shocks increased in frequency and intensity for about four months, when I was told to make ready for my ascent. 

Taking partially in my confidence four friends, with whom I had frequently conversed about air navigation, I got them to assist me in making preparations for the manufacture of the gas with which I was to inflate my balloon, and to assist me also in making a start. They were sworn to secrecy as to the time and place of my departure. Upon a piece of land which I own, about two miles from my present residence, I had a large open shed constructed.- Here my apparatus for the manufacture of gas was deposited; here my balloon was inflated, and here I took leave of terra-firma. 

Such were the peculiar circumstances of this ascent, and such were the wonderful adventures with which I met, that I have hitherto refrained from making them public; but I am now told by my spiritual visitants to publish my experiment, and here I have written an account of my most remarkable voyage, under the following head: 

The Log of an AErial Excursion, by which a new motive power was discovered establishing, beyond doubt, the existence of Spirits, and their power to manifest to mortals: 

At four o’clock P. M., on the 10th day of May, 1851, my air-ship Celestia was sufficiently inflated to be launched into the ethereal ocean I desired to navigate, and stepping into my car. I bid the friends in my confidence adieu, I must confess, with no small degree of anxiety. 

I had made several balloon ascents previously, but I was now upon a novel and daring experiment. The power into which I had surrendered myself, might, for aught I could tell, be as capable of malicious purposes, as I knew it to be of curious suggestions. I was yet to see, however, whether any manifestations of this power would be given me.

 The sky was clear, and my ascent was a beautiful one. The country over which I first passed was thickly settled, and, as I judged, but very few persons observed my progres. I ascended very rapidly, and was soon much higher than I had ever before been. Beneath me lay the earth like a vast bowl, upon whose edges rested the base of the dome, whose centre I appeared to approach, yet which only grew vaster every moment. 

I had been absent from the earth an hour, when my altitude was so great that retreating began to be difficult, and as I had been obliged to allow a great deal of gas to escape from my balloon, on account of its expansion in the rare atmosphere, the earth becoming more and more remote from me, my feelings were of a nature I cannot describe. 

I shook as with an ague chill. By accident, I discovered that when the valve-cord to my balloon was just touched, a coil of wire in the top of the balloon sent forth most musical tones; then I found that the cords, by which my car was suspended, when snapped, produced vibrating tones sweet as any I had ever heard upon a viola- I was surrounded by most powerful electric in- fluences. 

Suddenly, the swift motion of my balloon was stopped. It hung immoveable in the high heavens-then it began to move slowly in the direction opposite that I had been travelling. To say that I was terrified, would, by no means, express my condition of mind or body. I was absorbed with doubt and anxiety, and could not analyse my feelings further. I dwelt in an atmosphere of harmony. The most inconceivable melody floated around me; its influence was wonderfully soothing, and I fancied I heard the reality of what poets sing so eloquently about the music of the spheres. 

The motion of my air ship became swifter and swifter; I felt myself yielding to an influence which gave me a sensation of imponderability; I felt as if I could walk on the pure and rarefied air. I saw globes of golden light flit past me: they increased in size, they blended one into another until I was surrounded by a luminous cloud. I could look beyond it, but I could not see the earth. 

Above, beneath and around me stars of immense magnitude were shining with indescribable lustre, and I knew that I was suspended in illimitable space.

I did not seem to see any longer with my natural eyes. -infinite perception was my sight. I knew not whether I dwelt in the body or out of it. 

In the luminous cloud surrounding me were innumerable shadowy forms and spectre hands were extended towards me. I had long since forgotten all about my airship; I saw it not I knew not whether I had left it, or whether it had left me; a thought that I was suspended in space chilled me, but I had no sensation of feeling: I had no idea of ponderesity – and confidence that I was in as danger of physical injury, when I had no perception of physical existence, gave me courage – then the luminous cloud surrounding me, which had been golden, became like molten silver, and the forms which had been shadowy were more brilliant than the force of the noonday sun, yet I looked on them, or rather I had a perception of them without any dazzling or blinding sensation.

 The intensity of the enjoyment- spiritual glory-which now flowed upon me was beyond the power of language to represent. 

I endeavoured again to satisfy myself that the brilliant stars shone around me. I had no power of perception beyond the radiant forms which encircled me; I seemed to rise up from their midst; I stood above them, and I was lost

The morning sun shone upon my face. I aroused myself and I stood up in the car of my balloon. The collapsed sir ship lay beside me. I was in the rude shed from which I had ascended at four o’clock the previous evening. I looked at my watch; it was 7 o’clock, A. M 

Was all a vision? No. I had left the earth; I was back again at the place whence I started No such voyage was there on record in the history of ballooning. I went home, avoiding a route along which I was likely to meet those who knew of my ascent. I locked myself up in my room. Strong sensations were upon me. I fell into a calm slumber. When I awoke it was noon. All was clear to my mind. 

From this day until the 20th of September, I heard no more manifestations in my room. On the night of this day they were very loud. I was told that I must make another ascent; so that I would be taken so near the planet Jupiter that I would be able to see the inhabitants which dwell upon it. 

I inquired whether I should ever be able to meet these inhabitants and converse with them, and I was answered that perhaps two more voyages would fit me for that amazing privilege, I expect to make my second ascent about the middle of November. If I return again to the earth, I shall publish a full account of my experience and observations. I am satisfied that on the voyage I have described, I was in the power of beings which people the air, and which moved my air ship at will with or against air currents. I shall make my second ascent with entire confidence that I am among friends. 

When I have so far investigated this matter that I can demonstrate my statements to the world by astronomical discoveries, I will disclose my name and residence, and give reference upon the friends in my confidence, but I must remain unknown at least until I have made another voyage; for did my friends know my full intentions, they would declare me insane and do all in their power to prevent me from carrying out my stupendous designs- designs which I believe are to make great revolutions in the world of thought and opinion.

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